Monday, May 20, 2013


Overall, the past year has been pretty crazy, and it's flown by incredibly fast.  As I look over my past entries I realize how much I've changed in such seemingly short time.  Though I am still unsure of what the future holds for me, I am still fairly certain that animals are where my future lies.  The experiences I've had over the last year have made me sure of that.  I'm both sad and happy to be moving on from this year, and definitely excited to see what's in store.  I can't believe just a year away from now I'll be ready to go to college.  This blog and class has really given me the chance to think and research about what I may do with my life, something I probably wouldn't have done on my own.  It has also definitely helped me progress my passion for helping animals, as I researched more and more about current issues in the environment to write about.  

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