Saturday, October 13, 2012


Animals have always been a passion for me, but I have always felt the need to know if it would make a good career choice for me. Many people have told me not to make my passion a career, because sometimes it turns your passion into a job, that you have no choice but to adhere to.  They say a passion should remain as only a source of fun.  To figure out for myself if working with animals as a job choice was right for me, I volunteer with animals.  My internship at Happy Hollow was more of a job than a carefree volunteering experience; there were limited spaces, interviews, and many responsibilities that came with the job.  And though many people told me that I may not find animal careers as fun and interesting, I never felt bored while working.  Even if I worked with the same animals every day, I discovered something new.  I was given the opportunity to hold and interact with many animals I didn't think I'd ever get to meet.  I've met lemurs, wallabies, alligators, and meerkats while working.
In the future, perhaps after I graduate high school, I would like to spend a couple months in Africa or India volunteering with animals.  One amazing opportunity allows for volunteers to care for orphaned wildlife.  The project, at Noah's Ark Wildlife Center, is located in Namibia, Africa: and seems amazing.  Though it seems as if it isn't as much of a help to the animal populations as a whole, (since you pay a lot of money to bottlefeed baby animals, its more of a fun vacation) it's still a good place to start.  I want to be able to get my hands dirty and involved in taking care of animals in order to gain a deeper personal connection with them.  Also, established centers such as the one above are good places to start, since I am used to a comfortable, mostly disease-free lifestyle with many luxuries, and such centers have at least some of the luxuries and protect better against disease (since they are geared more toward foreign visitors).
I would also look into volunteering in India.  I go every other year anyway to visit family, and I have always been fascinated with the wildlife of India.  The Gir Forest especially, the only place on earth where lions, tigers, and leopards all coexist in the wild, is a place of interest.  And obviously, since it is where I am from, I have a natural connection to the country.
Currently, I volunteer at Nike Animal Rescue Foundation, where I look after kittens and bottlefeed and socialize them when necessary and the German Shepherd Rescue.
I plan to do an internship at the Silicon Valley Wildlife Center, which would give me a chance to work with local wildlife.  


  1. Your passion for animals is really inspiring .Is there a certain place you would like to work in or visit?

    1. It would be really nice if I could travel and view different types of animals in different environments.

  2. It's great that you are already working toward your goals for your future and all the volunteer work you're planning is really inspiring! I like how you mentioned that people often say that a passion or hobby shouldn't be a career, and I totally agree when you say that it can.

  3. I think it is so awesome that you've been able to work at Happy Hollow and get to interact with all those animals. Personally, I have never encountered an opportunity like that; I’d love to experience it. I’d love to hear what it is exactly that you do while volunteering.

  4. It's really admirable that you are so passionate about animals, and I bet it was such a treat to get to work at Happy Hollow. I don't know if you ever have thought about it, but I have volunteered at the Humane Society, and that was a lot of fun. I really hope that you are able to find a career that includes your love of animals.

  5. I actually think that passion should be part of your career...or else if you have no passion for what you're doing your job would probably become listless and boring. I think it's amazing how you've already started onto the path on what you would like to become and already have a feel for it. It's so cool how you were able to work with exotic animals!
